Great VFR Instrument Panel to Complete Your Project! Ready to Install Now!!


Complete VFR Instrument panel….   Original design was for a Velocity but this panel will work in any experimental VFR aircraft as electrically laid out.   Obviously this panel will not physically fit into evert cockpit but all the components will easily mount in another layout.  All wire is MIL-W-22759/16 type or equal in spec and size for the rating required and connections from the aircraft to the panel are via Molex connectors and some terminal blocks located on the back of the panel.  This makes for easy installation and removal for service or alterations.  Instruments are all new and never used other than for testing.  Yes they are an older type of instruments but better than what is in  most of the small aircraft we fly and rent today.  Would like to sell as a complete package but will most likely start parting out all the components before the end of year.

High quality VFR Instrument Package Wired and Tested.

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